I've managed to extract natural polyphenols from the bark of Kitayama cedar manufacturing method of our own in February 2013.
In addition, we have started selling various facilities for hotels and to develop a deodorant of new products which combined phytoncide of extraction from Kitayama cedar in March 2013.
The polyphenol contained from tannin and catechin of Kitayma cedar extraction liquid , adsorbed and neutralize(chemically-resolved) and deodrizes malodorous component in one second.Once the malodorous component adsorbed to it,it doesn't release out like active carbon,and also after adsorbed, no noxious substance is made.

If you spray on mattress and sofa or wall, the polyphenol,tannin and catechin will remain dry on to the surfaces.Even though in this situation,the polyphenol on the surface will keep deodorizing for long time.For example,if you spray on the handkerchief and dry it ,it will become deodorized handkerchief.
Bio-NX will break up and neutralize the formaldehyde,which is causative substances of sick building syndrome.
※You need special order for the Bio-NX which is specialized for deodorizing formaldehyde.
For further information of experiment,please click the categories below.(※The new window will open up with PDFfiles)

Bio-NX,the liquid deodorizer,is taken from the bark of Kitayama cedar.The polyphenol contained from tannin and catechin of Kitayma cedar extraction liquid , adsorbed and neutralize(chemically-resolved) and deodrizes malodorous component in one second.Once the malodorous component adsorbed to it,it doesn't release out like active carbon,and also after adsorbed, no noxious substance is made.
Even though deodorized liquid is extracted , the residue still keeps deodorized effect, and also it is possible to use as grain or in powder.The polyphenol,tannin and catechin,is made from very huge molecular structure, and so malodorous component will appendant to the structure and neutralized by chemical reaction.For that reason,huge amount of ugly elements will be deodorized surprisingly.
It makes outstanding power to 4 Big ugly smells,so even if its combined,it is effective.And also it is effective for isovalericacid,acetic acid and body odor of old people.
4 Big ugly smells,Ammonia(Smell of Toilet,perspiration,urine),Hydrogen sulfide(Smell of rotten egg),Trimethylamine(Smell of rotten fish),and Methyl mercaptan(Smell of rotten onion).All the bad smells like sweat,body,tobacco,kitchen garbage and pet makes dramatic deodorized effect.
You can't identify the deodorized effect in pass over, but you can check the deodorized data.
For further information of experiment,please click the categories below.(※The new window will open up with PDFfiles)

The tannin(or catechin) from natural polyphenol has function of antioxidant effect,resolution of noxious substance,antibacterial,bacteriostasis and virucidal effect.The color of Bio-NX liquid concentrate is brownish-red,the proof is because that is the evidence which contain many tannin.
Moreover,since all the ingredients are from bark of Kitayama cedar,these deodorizers are very safe for a human body.Even if it discards then, it returns automatically. Moreover,the non-stimulus was presumed also in the dermal irritation screening examination.
The color of Bio-NX liquid is brownish-red,because of many tannin,we succeeded in making it transparent, without harming an ingredient. Therefore, Bio-NX is a water-white deodorizer. Since aroma chemical is not used like in a commercial deodorizer, after use does not have a smell. It is possible to use for a person sensitive to a smell.
For further information of Antibacterial effectiveness experiment or safeness to a human being,please click the categories below.(※The new window will open up with PDFfiles)

Bio-NX is made from bark of Kitayama cedar.Nowdays,the bark of the tree is removed after processed into a board, a pillar, etc… and discarded as it is, and become garbage. Since there is much quantity, the present condition is being used only for a compost (bark compost) and a fuel grade, but troubled by disposal. Bio-NX deodorizers are eco-goods which reuse these bark that are not utilized and use resources effectively.